2025        PhD Interdisciplinary Fine Arts (exp), Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX

2021        MFA Studio Arts: Emphasis Painting, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL

2017        PhD English and Creative Writing, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI

2013        MFA Creative Writing, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA

BCE         BA Art History, George Washington University, Washington, DC     



VPA 1302      Global Communications through Arts Methods, Texas Tech University

                                    Spring 2024, Fall 2023, Spring 2023

ART 1309      Global Art & Visual Culture, Texas Tech University

                                    Spring 2023 (online), Fall 2023 (online)

ART 324        Painting II: The Figure, Northern Illinois University

                                    Spring 2020 (online)

ART 102         2-D Art Foundations, Northern Illinois University

                                    Spring 2021 (online), Fall 2020 (online), Spring 2020 (online), Fall 2019    

ENGL 3700    Creative Nonfiction Writing, Western Michigan University

                                    Spring 2017, Fall 2016

ENGL 3660    Advanced Fiction Writing, Western Michigan University

                                    Spring 2016, Fall 2015

ENGL 2660    Writing Poetry and Fiction, Western Michigan University

                                   Spring 2015, Fall 2014, Spring 2014, Fall 2013 



2021        Going Dutch, Annette and Jerry Johns Gallery, DeKalb, IL

2020        Plastic Lives, Annette and Jerry Johns Gallery, DeKalb, IL



2024        Opening Night, Garage Projects, Lubbock, TX

2024        Madres Radicales, 5&J Gallery, Lubbock, TX

2023        Hide & Seek: Neighborhood Art Space. Satellite Gallery at CASP, Lubbock, TX

2022        Escaping Siloes: Research Between Realms, School of Music, TTU, Lubbock, TX

2022      Messaging Lubbock: A Journey of Belonging, School of Art, TTU, Lubbock, TX

2021        Is Texas Painting?  5&J Gallery, Lubbock, TX

2020        Print Show, Annette and Jerry Johns Gallery, DeKalb, IL

2020        Entanglements, Juried Exhibition, Oak Park Art League, Oak Park, IL

2020        Ars Nova, Juried Exhibition, Jack Olsen Gallery, DeKalb, IL

2020        15th Annual Emerging Artist Exhibition, Juried Exhibition, Morpho Gallery, Chicago, IL

2019        Overcompensation: Big Print Show, Gallery 215, DeKalb, IL

2019        Ars Nova, Juried Exhibition, Jack Olsen Gallery, DeKalb, IL

2019        Challenging the Stigma, Juried Exhibition, Founders Library, NIU, DeKalb, IL



2022  Valentine, Aimee. “Closing the Gap: Lessons for the Study and Practice of Comics.”  Exploring Comics and Graphic

Novels in the Classroom, edited by Jason D.Dehart, IGI Global, pp. 249-261.

2022  Valentine, Aimee. “Goodwill Towards Friends.” Trends: The Journal of the Texas Art Education Association, Dallas,

Texas, pp. 44-49.

2020  Valentine, Aimee. “Wonder Women and the Web: How Female Comics Creators Leap from Private to Public in a

Single Bound.” With Great Power Comes Great Pedagogy: Teaching Comics in the Classroom, edited by Susan E.

Kirtley, Antero Garcia, and Peter E. Carlson, University Press of Mississippi, pp.38-52.

2016  Valentine, Aimee. “Madonna dei Mambo.” Hot Metal Bridge, University of Pittsburgh, Winter, 2016, (n.p.).

2015  Valentine, Aimee. “Bon Camino.” No Tokens Journal, vol. 4, pp. 56-60.

2014  Valentine, Aimee. “Blue State of Mind.” The Iowa Journal of Cultural Studies, University of Iowa, vol. 16, pp. 38-63.

2011  Valentine, Aimee. “Breaking the Distance.” Witness Magazine, Black Mountain Institute, University of Nevada at Las

Vegas, 2011 (n.p.)



2025    Valentine, Aimee. “Real Fabric Puppets in a Digitally Fabricated World: The post-pandemic social media revival of

Mister Rogers, Pee-Wee, and Nanalan.” Popular Culture Association, New Orleans, LA. Panel presentation.

2023    Valentine, Aimee. “Tennessee Williams: Science Fiction and Fantasy.” Tennessee Williams Scholars Symposium,

Tennessee Williams Institute, Provincetown, MA. Roundtable discussant.

2022    Valentine, Aimee. “In Between the Lines: Building a Case for Interdisciplinary Comics Studies.”  Popular Culture

Association, Seattle, WA. Panel presentation.

2016    Valentine, Aimee. “Apocalypse in the Archives: Resurrecting William Blake’s Prophetic Vision for America.” Pacific

Ancient and MLA Conference, Pasadena, CA. Panel presentation.

2015    Valentine, Aimee. “One Click Wonder: How Women Comics Creators Leap from Private to Public in a Single

Bound.” MLA Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC. Panel presentation.

2014    Valentine, Aimee. “Long Story Short: From Oral History to Graphic Narrative.” Craft Critique Culture Conference,

Iowa City, IA. Panel presentation.

2013    Valentine, Aimee. “Truth in the Gutter: Blurred Boundaries between History and Imagination in Graphic Narratives.”

Northeast MLA Conference, Boston, MA.

2013    Valentine, Aimee. “Faceless Babies, Snorkeling Chickens, and Jelly-Winged Swans: Comics as Monstrous or

Immutable Medium.” Northeast MLA Conference, Boston, MA. Panel presentation.



2024             Graduate Research Support Award, TTU

2024-2025   Art Designated Scholarship, TTU

2023-24       Paul D. Hanna Memorial–Medici Endowed Scholarship for the Fine Arts, TTU

2022-23        Alan & Lee Ann White Regents Endowed Scholarship, TTU

2021-26        Graduate Assistantship, Department of Art, TTU

2020-21       Olson Memorial Painting Scholarship, NIU

2019-20       Helen Merritt Art Scholarship, NIU

2019-20       JR Lee Studio Art Scholarship, NIU

2018-21        Graduate Assistantship, SOAD, NIU

2017             National Distinguished Dissertation Award Nominee, ProQuest

2016-17       Graduate Research and Creative Scholar Award, WMU     

2013-17       Graduate Teaching Assistantship, Department of English, WMU

2013-15       Doctoral Scholar Associateship, College of Graduate Studies, WMU



2025    Wallace Theatre Rural Arts Education Workshops (forthcoming), Levelland, TX

2024    Lubbock PTA Elementary Art Competition. Invited juror, Lubbock, TX

2024    Texas Art Ed. Assoc. Visual Arts Scholastic Events (VASE). Invited juror, Lubbock, TX